Thursday, December 26, 2019
Style-shifting Definition and Examples
In sociolinguistics, the use of more than one style of speech during the course of a single conversation or written text. Two common theories that account for style-shifting are the accommodation model and the ​audience design model, both of which are discussed below. Examples and Observations [H]e struck a few chords, then, to impress her, he awkwardly played a short passage. . . .Schuberts Quartet number fourteen. Right? she asked. Also known as Death and the Maiden.Astonished, he slowly pulled back. I dont believe it! How did you know that? he asked.She got up and straightened her jumpsuit. Black magic. What else? she said, pointing at the fetishes.It occurred to him that she could have heard the passage played by the Julliard student. He started to play another piece.Debussy. Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, she said, and he stopped. You play it well, boy!He stood up and closed the piano, suddenly glad that throughout the evening he had spoken to her only in his altered voice, for her musical ear might have unmasked him.Where did you learn music? he asked.Speaking in a Southern drawl again, she replied, Why? Aint it right for a little ol black girl to know what the white folks play?You told me you were--I told you the pianist who lives here is out on a date with a s tranger, she said in a firm voice. Well, youre the stranger. And this is where I play. She sat down at the piano and began to play . . ..(Jerzy Kosinski, Pinball. Arcade, 1983)[S]tyle-shifting cannot be defined as shifting from one dialect of English or level of formality to another, but rather as the selective production of certain features of a dialect and the exclusion of others. The focus of attention is on creating a projected linguistic identity.(Catherine Evans Davies, Language and Identity in Discourse in the American South: Sociolinguistic Repertoire as Expressive Resource in the Presentation of Self. Selves and Identities in Narrative and Discourse, ed. by Michael Bamberg, Anna De Fina, and Deborah Schiffrin. John Benjamins, 2007)Successful style-shifting is possible if speakers know what the forms of the vernacular spoken in their area are and can use them in appropriate contexts. Style-shifting (downwards) is not normally stigmatized as long as ones interlocutors know th e vernacular is not ones only mode of speech. The term can also be used in a more general sense to refer to shifting from any one style to another, and not just to a vernacular mode.(Raymond Hickey, A Dictionary of Varieties of English. Wiley, 2014) Downward and Upward Style-Shifting The concept of style-shifting is generally used to refer to a change in language varieties which involves only the code-markers, i.e. variable features associated with social and cultural dimensions, such as age, sex, social class, and the relationship between speakers. [Muriel] Saville-Troike (1989) makes a further sub-classification between downward and upward style-shifting to indicate shifts to a lower or higher level, respectively. In addition, Saville-Troike (1989: 67) introduces the notion of intra-sentential style-shifting, which is said to occur when the variety of language used changes within a sentence, for example, as when an informal greeting is followed by a formal address, or even more extreme when there is a shift in formality involving grammar and lexicon. She observes that this sort of style-shifting should only be used intentionally for humorous purposes in English, as behavior of this kind is likely to be frowned upon by teachers, especially in writing.However, Sm ith (1986: 108-109) noted that textbook instruction clearly differs from actual practice.(Katja Lochtman and Jenny Kappel, The World a Global Village: Intercultural Competence in English Foreign Language Teaching. VUB Press, 2008) Style-Shifting and the Speech Accommodation Model The accommodation model ascribes style shifts to the speakers evaluation of the addressees social identity. A positive evaluation results in convergence, where a speaker begins to sound more like the addressee (conversely, a negative evaluation results in divergence, where the speaker marks social distance by sounding less like the addressee).(Michael Pearce, The Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies. Routledge, 2007) Style-Shifting and Audience Design Theory [Allan] Bells (1977, 1984) Audience Design Theory (AD) states that people engage in style-shifting normally in response to audience members rather than to shifts of attention paid to speech. In this way, intra-speaker [within speaker] variation is a response to interspeaker [between speakers] variation, chiefly as manifested in ones interlocutors (Bell 1984:158). In fact, intra-speaker variation derives from the variability that differentiates social groups (inter-speaker variation) and, therefore, its range of variation will never be greater than that of the latter. This theory is based on the socio psychological model developed by Howard Giles (speech accommodation theory: SAT; see Giles Powesland 1975, Giles Smith 1979, or Giles Coupland 1991) to explain the causes of styling, especially in the consideration of the effects of addressees as audience members in terms of accent convergence or divergence (see also Auer Hinskens 2005).The Audience Design Model provides a fuller acc ount of stylistic variation than the Attention to Speech one because (i) it goes beyond speech styles in the sociolinguistic interview by trying to be applicable to natural conversational interaction; (ii) it aims at explaining the interrelation of intra-speaker and inter-speaker variation and its quantitative patterning; and (iii) it introduces an element of speaker agency into stylistic variation, i.e. it includes responsive as well as initiative dimensions to account for the fact that (a) speakers respond to audience members in shaping their speech and (b) they sometimes engage in style shifts that do not correspond with the sociolinguistic characteristics of the present audience . . .. [V]ariationists are now becoming more increasingly interested in incorporating social constructionist (creative) approaches into style-shifting that view speakers actively taking part in shaping and re-shaping interactional norms and social structures, rather than simply accommodating to them.(J.M . Hernà ¡ndez Campoy and J.A. Cutillas-Espinosa, Introduction: Style-Shifting Revisited. Style-Shifting in Public: New Perspectives on Stylistic Variation, ed. by Juan Manuel Hernà ¡ndez Campoy and Juan Antonio Cutillas-Espinosa. John Benjamins, 2012) Audience design applies to all codes and levels of a language repertoire, monolingual and multilingual. Audience design does not refer only to style-shift. Within a language, it involves features such as choice of personal pronouns or address terms (Brown and Gilman 1960, Ervin-Tripp 1972), politeness strategies (Brown and Levinson 1987), use of pragmatic particles (Holmes 1995), as well as quantitative style-shift (Coupland 1980, 1984).Audience design applies to all codes and repertoires within a speech community, including the switch from one language to another in bilingual situations (Gal 1979, Dorian 1981). It has long been recognized that the processes which make a monolingual shift styles are the same as those that which make bilingual switch languages (e.g. Gumperz 1967). Any theory of style needs to encompass both monolingual and multilingual repertoires--that is, all the shifts a speaker may make within her linguistic repertoire.​(Allan Bell, Back in Style: Reworking Audience Design. Style and Sociolinguistic Variation, ed. by Penelope Eckert and John R. Rickford. Camb ridge University Press, 2001)
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Ethical Leadership Is Mostly About Leadership Integrity
Topic 2: Ethical leadership is mostly about leadership integrity. Discuss. Introduction A recent study conducted in 2010 among UK and some European companies, revealed that the most prominent ethical issues to organisations includes harassment, bribery, corruption and facilitation payments, and whistle blowing (Wesley et al. 2011). Thus, it is important that ethics must indeed embark from the top. Leaders cannot escape from their responsibility to establish a moral example for their followers. The ethical actions and behaviour of top management have to be consistent with their teaching, otherwise formal ethical training and codes are bound to have a slim chance of success. The outcome of organisational goals is dependent on the leader’s†¦show more content†¦It is therefore important that leaders themselves are indeed moral persons and explicitly demonstrate ethical behaviours to their followers. Their followers learn what to do and what not to do by observing their leaders behaviour, and are likely to imitate their leaders (Kaptein 2002). However, being perceived as a moral person is insufficient. A moral person only portrays the actions of the leader. It does not advice the followers what is expected of them. A moral manager creates ethical standards and expectation throughout the organisation by portraying ethical behaviour, traits and decision making. A moral manager posses three distinct characteristics. Firstly, a moral manager actively demonstrates ethical behaviours and lead through good examples. Secondly, rewarding morally appropriate conduct and punish unethical behaviours, strengthen the organisations’ ethical stance. Thirdly, a moral manager communicates ethical values and issues throughout the organisation openly (Brown et al. 2005). There are four types of leadership styles. They include the ethical leader, the hypocritical leader, the ethically neutral leader, and the unethical leader. An ethical leader is an individual who is both a moral person and a moral manager. This leader also has a strong influence in the organisation, with regards to the ethicalShow MoreRelatedEthical Leadership Is Mostly About Leadership Integrity. Discuss2188 Words  | 9 Pagesimportance of ethically managing an organization and leading the entire organization towards a similar purpose and message requires great leadership. With this, we would look further into the practice of ethical leadership; how it’s defined and attempt to provide a more comprehensive understanding of ethical leadership and it’s relation with integrity. What is Ethical Leadership? 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Community Engagement Within Campus Life Education Essay Example For Students
Community Engagement Within Campus Life Education Essay What is the best manner to work out a job at the same clip making positive support, all the piece bring forthing a better environment and circumstance for all? A Community engagement brings together people within a community with similar concerns and ends that otherwise would non cognize where to turn or could non carry through with an single effort. Harmonizing to The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Community Engagement on a collegial degree involves everyone ; instructors, module, pupils, the community, and political figures. It broadens 1s civic committedness and oblige the community to go more involved in a reciprocally good manner ( Community Engagement Elective ) . Generally, a community can acquire more achieved within a group attempt by publicly prosecuting a state of affairs. This will convey approximately many persons that agree or want the same things. The consensus has been that a community will experience more goaded and have ownership in a common end. The more people involved in a common intent or end the more that can be accomplished for the improvement of all ( e-Lead ) . The United Way is one organisation that provides a good beginning of community engagement. From childhood literacy, the high figure of pupil dropouts, to stomping out hungriness, the United Way has many community urgency troubles that an person can concentrate on and assist extinguish. The focal point of this study is on community battle within campus life and the United Way does non fall abruptly in this country. They have a subdivision on their web site that focuses on how to acquire voluntaries and even give suggestions as to how a college can assist convey pupils together, portion thoughts and go more involved ( ) . A A A A A A A A A A A The old proverb It takes a small town to raise a kid rings true when it comes to community battle. No one person can make it all. The more who are involved, merely comes to ground that the more thoughts, sentiments, educational backgrounds, and originative thoughts will come into drama to assist work outing and eliminating our societal and economical jobs that society trades with today ( Minnesota Department of Health P 15 ) . A A A A A A A A A A A Some may inquire, Why should we go concerned about raising others up? Simply put, demoing aid to those who need aid will finally supply autonomy where there one time was small or no resources to make so. It creates self regard, higher ends in one s life and lifts many loads off a community as a whole. There is no 1 reply to work outing a community job. Education, aide in wellness, lodging, and employment can be a good start but non one country is the solution ( Loewen p.8-11 ) . Autonomy is all embracing and everyone can profit from the effects of this. More financess can be allocated to other demands and more persons can now besides become subscribers to elating others out of jobs they one time faced themselves. So how can pupils assist make a more sustainable community? RCCC has shown that there are legion countries that have the capacity to demo engagement. Students have raised money for Haiti subsisters during our welcome back breakfast ( Rowan-Cabarrus Community College ) . The ENG232/HIS132 American Literature/American History category collected denims for Haiti subsisters ( Creeger ) . The campus has and continues to keep blood thrusts, diverseness twenty-four hours and quit smoke events which creates a more healthy and informed community ( Rowan-Cabarrus Community College ) . The Community College besides brings together a diverse group of persons that are seeking educational sweetening to transition themselves into the working environment ( Colleges for CommunitiesaˆÂ ¦p.3 ) . A Community College can and should convey together local employers with pupils that are interested in the Fieldss that they provide. This connexion is critical in maintaining our community engaged with one another and educating non merely pupils but supplying possible leads to employers who are seeking employees who have an involvement in the Fieldss that they are seeking to make full. This type of proactive battle has a positive impact on a community by supplying the links of local human resources that are non tapped into antecedently. The execution of Internships and Co-op s are merely two ways that College resources can be utilized within a community. Options a community has to offer become broader for future alumnuss. This creates diverseness in the workplace, all the piec e hiking a local economic system ( Colleges for CommunitiesaˆÂ ¦p.3 ) . Graduates can now be introduced to possible callings locally when before may hold been focused on relocating for calling chances. Community Colleges should and necessitate to be cognizant of the common benefits of working closely with employers and other establishments on a local degree ( Community Engagement Elective Classification ) . The sharing of cognition, resources and information produces a better pupil and a more informed hereafter employee. .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce , .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .postImageUrl , .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce , .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce:hover , .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce:visited , .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce:active { border:0!important; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce:active , .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1e6adc330f73c505e6230998085f73ce:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Facing Racism and Prejudice EssayA Community College must besides understand the benefits of working closely with the community that they reside in as a whole. Students, parents, employers, instructors and county and province establishments all have a function to play within the Community College experience. Information that is provided to a community will supply more understanding as to what instructors need to supply instruction, colleges need to run the establishment and pupils require to obtain the grades they are seeking. This line of communicating can make a more equal apprehension to what Torahs needs to be implemented and what financess need to be allocated for a f unctional installation to boom and thrive ( Chadwick p.14-15 ) . The Minnesota Department of Health suggests that there are a few stairss in order for a chosen community battle to be productive. Make in-depth research. Be really clear what the end is and who it is that the battle is to make. What are the demographics, educational construction, and fiscal state of affairs? Do as thorough of an analysis as possible. Has an battle been attempted antecedently and was it successful? What could be improved or changed to implement better communicating and a more productive environment ( Minnesota Department of Health p.16 ) . Work within the community non outside of it. Become active at all degrees of the battle attempt, from leaders to subsidiaries, inside the group or organisation. A trusting relationship and unfastened duologue physiques assurance on all degrees and promotes a positive class of committedness and dedication ( Minnesota Department of Health p.16 ) . Remain flexible with thoughts and ends. The Community Engagement is to convey together thoughts from all within the community non abdicate an already set belief and value system. A diverseness of thoughts should ever be considered welcomed and received in an affirmatory mode. It will put the kineticss within the group by working together and carry throughing ends as a joint attempt ( Minnesota Department of Health p.16 ) . As the above graph from the Sydney Department of Planning shows, there are besides several ways a group can concentrate their battle by which type of demand one is seeking to suit. A community may merely necessitate a inactive engagement to convey about a positive group action. On the other manus it may be necessary for a full degree of engagement and instruction to carry through the authorization and finally leading a community needs to accomplish their ends. This is why an honest and unfastened line of communicating is a must for a Community Engagement to be successful. A As a Community College, in order to be successful, engagement must go an active line of communicating with every agency afforded to us. It could be technological ; chalkboard, texting, e-mailing, on-line categories, web sites, or face-to-face ; tutoring, campus categories, campus civic groups, or adviser assignments. No affair what means chosen, colleges must listen to and detect pupils and module to ever be cognizant of the most efficient manner to pass on and inform. It is besides of import that pupils and module know that they are a portion of the solution and have a say in the development of advancement. No affair the pick, pupils should hold a agencies to acquire the information they need in a convenient and practical manner ( Making Connections ) .
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Personality Types and Their Assessment
Abstract Personality studies are some of the most problematic issues in psychology, mostly because there is no standard for the assessment of one’s personality type. More to the point, the entire concept of personality classification is rather questionable, seeing how there is no dominant principle of personality evaluation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Personality Types and Their Assessment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even though there are only four basic methods to consider the specifics of human psychics, the lack of cohesion between the personality types defined with the help of these methods, as well as the fact that these types are very generic, begs the question whether the existing means of personality classification can be credited as trustworthy. Personality Types and Their Assessment: Diving into the Depth of Psychoanalysis and Personality Evaluation As a rule, various approaches towards personality types classification are defined in traditional psychoanalysis. Eysenck’s theory, however, is traditionally considered by far the most common one, with its tendency to differentiate between people’s characters based on their interactions with others. To be more exact, Eysenck defines four key personality types known as Introverted-Neurotic, Extraverted-Neurotic, Introverted-Stable and Extraverted-Stable. It is also noteworthy that, apart from splitting people into groups based on their interactions with the outside world, Eysenck differentiates between different types of character based on people’s emotional reactions towards various stimuli (Cooper, Robertson Tinline, 2003, p. 23). Eysenck’s approach, however, is not the only one that is used in psychoanalysis. Apart from the concept based on emotional stability of the patients, the idea of splitting them into groups based on their key traits is also quite widespread. Compared to Eysenckâ⠂¬â„¢s theory, the given one seems more reasonable, seeing how the â€Å"norm†of emotional responses to particular stimuli has not been defined yet, whereas traits are relatively easy to identify. What has been defined as a â€Å"relatively stable, enduring predisposition to behave in a certain way†(Hockenbury Hockenbury, 2014, p. 440), though, clearly lacks precision, seeing how the number of personalities is quite difficult to count.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Individual differences are unique, which predetermines immense variability of the traits and, therefore, vagueness of the classification method (Engler, 2013, p. 240). The humanist theory, in its turn, presupposes that a positive reward and the unceasing personal evolution will finally lead to the creation of a fully functioning person. Hence, the given theory splits people into fully functioning and dev eloping ones. It is remarkable that, of all theories mentioned above, this is the only one that classifies people’s personalities according to the stages of personal development, i.e., the superior and the inferior ones. Finally, according to the Social Cognitive Theory, people can be classified as the ones with strong and weak self-efficacy (Paivandu, 2010, p. 22). The stages of personality assessment vary depending on the type of personality theory that has been chosen in order to conduct an assessment. However, as Hockenbury and Hockenbury explain, there are two basic types of tests that are designed to define the specifics of one’s personality. Known as projective tests and self-report inventories (Hockenbury Hockenbury, 2014, p. 447), these tests traditionally consist of three basic steps. The first step presupposes the introduction of questions to the participant, the second one involves the participant responding to the questions, and the final stage can be des cribed as the analysis of the answers and the definition of the participant’s personality type (Kline, 2013, p. 231). It is also remarkable that Hockenbury and Hockenbury specify five stages of one of the personality tests that they describe; to be more accurate, they mention the famous â€Å"Big Five†that is traditionally related to the Freudian evaluation of personality. The stages in question, or the â€Å"factor model of personality†(Hockenbury Hockenbury, 2014, p. 442) are also identified as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism (Maltby, Day Macaskill, 2010, p. 172).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Personality Types and Their Assessment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The benefits of personality assessments are obvious. Such tests help people learn about their character, find out the best interaction patterns that they can adopt in order to commun icate with the rest of the world efficiently, and work on the improvement of their self-esteem, as well as realize what their needs are and how they can satisfy these needs. More importantly, such personality classifications and tests help determine one’s key assets and, therefore, limit the number of areas in which one may attain success. Apart from personal growth, personality tests can also be viewed as perfect tools for HRM experts in determining the qualities of the candidate (Wolsey, Abrams Minten, 2011, p. 108). While it would be wrong to use such tests as the means to define whether the candidate will be useful for the company, they will clearly show what type of work the candidate in question can be assigned with. The results of some personality assessments, however, should be taken with a grain of salt. While providing relatively accurate results, these tests are not tailored to the specifics of a particular person and his/her character – quite on the contra ry, such tests attempt at embracing as many personality types as possible and, therefore, are very generic. Hence, the test results are not to be viewed as the ultimate guide to self-perfection; instead, they should be seen as a chance to take a closer look at one’s personality and learn to determine and coordinate one’s needs and capabilities. Reference List Cooper, D., Robertson, I. T. Tinline, G. (2003). Recruitment and selection: A framework for success. London, UK: Thompson. Engler, B. (2013). Personality theories. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hockenbury, D. H. Hockenbury, S. E. (2014). Discovering psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Kline, P. (2013). Fact and fantasy in Freudian theory (RLE: Freud). New York, NY: Routledge. Maltby, J., Day, L. Macaskill, A. (2010). Personality, individual differences and intelligence. Harlow, UK: Pearson, Inc. Paivandu, S. L. (2010). The validity of cognitive constructs in cognitive information processing and social cognitive career theories. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest. Wolsey, C., Abrams, J. Minten, S. (2011). HRM in the sports and leisure industry. New York, NY: Routledge. 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Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Write a Good Counteroffer Email
How to Write a Good Counteroffer Email Congrats! You got the job and it’s time for negotiations. You know you have to counter the first offer- that’s just good business sense. But perhaps you’re worried about being too aggressive and possibly losing the opportunity. You shouldn’t be. First, do your homework. Some companies are not willing to consider counteroffers. Maybe they have an established salary range that they’ve already maxed out for you. If you’re pressing forward, here are a few tips and strategies to help you get closer to the compensation you want.1. Think before you write.You’re not happy with the compensation package, and they seem open to negotiation. Do some research- find out what the average salary is for your equivalent position in that area. See what other commensurate companies are offering in the way of benefits and salary. Consider the whole package, including any relocation costs, sick days, vacation, family leave, telecommuting, etc.2. Know your va lue.Do some market research to determine what you should be making, given your skills and experience. Craft your best argument for a higher final offer. You’ll want to sell yourself with clear intel and reasons behind you for why you deserve a bump before signing. Look at local salary surveys, calculators, recruiters, colleagues, mentors, even LinkedIn groups and online research.3. Get time on your side.Buy yourself a couple of days â€Å"to think about the offer.†Don’t forget to emphasize your enthusiasm about the position so they don’t think you’ve lost interest. Show yourself to be thoughtful, not impulsive or anxious.4. Don’t be greedy.Don’t ask for more than is reasonable. If you ask for something within normal range, and you’re prepared to defend your ask, then don’t stand down and cave immediately. Let the process work as it should. And if you’re given what you ask, take it. Don’t try to then ask fo r even more.5. Go for it!Type your counter letter up in a standard business letter format. Put the employer’s information and your contact information in the header. Address the letter to your employer. Write an intro that emphasizes your interest and provides reasons why you’re excited and you think you’d be a good fit. Kill them with kindness. Then, in the body, include a short paragraph for every point of the original offer you wish to counter. Make sure to have done your homework and include appropriate reasons for why this is deserved. Then write a polite conclusion reemphasizing your keenness on the position and your respect for the company and their process. Offer, if you like, to meet in person to discuss. Sign it: â€Å"Respectfully yours.†And wait!6. Be ready to walk away.Don’t bluff. The last thing you want to do is put a number on the table and have them refuse to negotiate at all. If you say â€Å"I can’t work here for any les s than x,†and they don’t offer you x, then you have to be prepared to turn down the opportunity. If they are being completely unreasonable (i.e. they don’t have an established salary policy and are just playing hardball for no reason), then you might want to do this anyway.7. Be professional.Keep it classy and keep your tone measured and professional. Back up all of your asks with good solid reasons. Say ‘no’ nicely and learn to hear ‘no’ without going ballistic. Be as assertive as you need to be without becoming aggressive. Don’t be threatening, and don’t take things personally. It’s business, and a perfectly normal process.8. Listen more than you talk.If your process advances to face-to-face negotiations, pay attention to their body language and yours. Be commanding, but not pugnacious. Keep your mouth shut and be strong. The person who talks first often is the one who walks away from negotiations with the lesser end of the stick. And keep personal sob stories about finances to yourself.9. Get it in writing.If you succeed at getting a higher offer, make sure to get it in writing before you sign anything!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Needle in the Hay Song Analysis Essays
Needle in the Hay Song Analysis Essays Needle in the Hay Song Analysis Paper Needle in the Hay Song Analysis Paper â€Å"Needle in the Hay†by Elliott Smith Your hand on his arm The haystack charm Around your neck Strung out and thin Calling some friend Trying to cash some check Hes acting dumb Thats what youve come To expect (Chorus) Needle in the hay Needle in the hay Needle in the hay Needle in the hay Hes wearing your clothes Head down to toes A reaction to you You say you know what he did But you idiot kid You dont have a clue Sometimes they just Get caught in the eye Youre pulling him through *Chorus* Now on the bus Nearly touching This dirty retreat Falling out 6th and Powell A dead sweat in my teeth Going to walk, walk, walk Four more blocks Plus the one in my brain Down downstairs To the man Hes going to make it all ok I cant beat myself I cant beat myself And I dont want to talk Im taking the cure So I can be quiet Whenever I want So leave me alone You ought to be proud That Im getting good marks *Chorus 2x* In health class, we just finished a unit on drugs and addictions. We learned about the different classifications of drugs, their effects, and symptoms of addiction. Our current assignment is to analyze a song that describes the negative effects of drugs, and share our personal reaction to it. The song I chose is â€Å"Needle in the Hay†by Elliott Smith. This song can be interpreted in many different ways, but it’s almost always recognized as being about drugs, specifically heroin. Though Smith only became addicted to heroin in his later life, he writes about drugs, alcohol, and addiction in many of his songs, from his first album on. â€Å"Needle in the Hay†seems to be about a girl who is addicted to heroin, and is in a relationship with a guy who is beginning to use heroin himself. I chose this song because it’s beautifully written, and uses many interesting metaphors to help tell the story. The first line in the song is â€Å"Your hand on his arm, the haystack charm around your neck. †I think this is saying that she is beginning to become a bigger part of his life, but she is bringing her addiction into it also. â€Å"Strung out and thin, calling some friend, trying to cash some check. †The girl is thin from heroin use, as the drug causes loss of appetite, which leads to weight loss. She is stressed from not having the drug, so she calls a friend, hoping she can buy more. â€Å"He’s acting dumb, that’s what you’ve come to expect. †Her boyfriend knows what is going on with her, but he plays dumb and doesn’t acknowledge it. She knows that he knows, but doesn’t say anything. The song then goes to the chorus, which just repeats â€Å"Needle in the hay†, referring to the hidden, unspoken addiction(s) in the relationship. The next verse begins with â€Å"He’s wearing your clothes, head down to toes, a reaction to you. †I don’t think that he is literally wearing her clothes; I think it is a metaphor meaning that ever since he’s been with her, he’s becoming just like her, especially after acquiring the addiction. â€Å"You say you know what he did, but you idiot kid, you don’t have a clue. The girl thinks that she knows the guy so well, but she does not realize the severity of the situation, or the fact that she has brought this on him. â€Å"Sometimes they just get caught in the eye, you’re pulling him through. †Sometimes people just get caught up in bad things, and she’s only worsening his problem. In the third verse, the point of view seems to shift from third person into the girl’s eyes. â€Å"Now on the bus, nearly touching this dirty retreat. †The girl is going to get drugs, and she’s almost there. She knows what she’s doing is wrong, but by now it almost feels like a comfort, or an old friend. Falling out, 6th and Powell, a dead sweat in my teeth. †She’s now walking to the place where she’s going to get her drugs. The â€Å"dead sweat in my teeth†part is a bit hard to understand but I have a few ideas. It may just be symbolizing her craving, her need for the drug. It may be referring to the actual condition of her teeth, as heroin can cause teeth rotting and gum disease. Or, it could be a combination of both. â€Å"Going to walk walk walk, four more blocks, plus the one in my brain. Down, downstairs, to the man, he’s going to make it all okay. †Her addiction is so serious that she is willing to walk blocks and blocks to get to th e drug. She feels that once she gets it from the dealer, she will feel better and everything will be okay. She is dependant on the drug. â€Å"I can’t beat myself, I can’t beat myself, and I don’t want to talk. I’m taking the cure, so I can be quiet whenever I want. †She has gotten to the point where she no longer has faith in herself, and she needs the drug to feel okay. She’s so focused on the drug and feeling better that she’s becoming withdrawn and shutting the rest of the world out. She’s using heroin to ease her pain; she thinks that it will make things easier. â€Å"So leave me alone, you ought to be proud that I’m getting good marks. She wants everyone to leave her alone. She wants to keep her problem a secret, so she tries to hide it by doing well in other aspects of life, perhaps school or work. I think that this song’s view of addiction and the problems that come with it is simply brilliant. It shows the depen dency on the drug, the user’s personal feelings and hopes for what the drug will do, and the way drug addiction can affect relationships. What I learned in health class helped greatly with this project. I have loved this song for a long time, and getting this in-depth look at it by doing the analysis has only made me love and appreciate it more.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How Individual Firms Can Prevent A Leeson Incident From Happening To Research Paper
How Individual Firms Can Prevent A Leeson Incident From Happening To Them - Research Paper Example This research paper tells that the collapse of Baring Bank was primarily due to one rogue trader, named Nick Leeson, who was making fraudulent transactions. Leeson occupied a great deal of power in Barings Limited, as he was both the Chief Trader and Head of Settlements, which means that he could make any trades he wanted without any oversight – the fox was in charge of the chicken coop, so to speak. What this essentially meant was that Leeson was able to cover up losses and report them as gains, because, as Head of Settlements, which was in charge of reporting trading losses and errors, he was able to be dishonest in this way. This was brought to the attention of the auditors, which stated that this set-up provided great risk, but Barings did nothing to rectify it. In the end, it was this lack of governance that proved to be the undoing of the firm, as Leeson single-handedly brought the bank down. The Leeson affair was caused by a number of different factors. First, according to Hoch & Kunreuther, bad decisions played a large part in fomenting the conditions under which the scandal occurred. One of the bad decisions was on the part of the managers, who looked the other way regarding Leeson because their emotions got in the way. The managers liked Leeson, as he initially was successful in trading, and the emotion of greed got in the way of closely scrutinizing him. Moreover, Leeson had very little experience in trading, and he had some personal bad debt that was not disclosed in his application for a trading license. All of these should have been red flags, however, they were overlooked by the individuals in the hiring process and by the managers who could have prevented Leeson’s reckless trading, simply because Leeson was liked (Hoch & Kunreuther, 2001, p. 6) Hoch & Kunreuther (2001) also state that there were other reasons why there were so many bad decisions that were made in the Leeson case. One of these is that the company relied too much on intuition. Another is that they were in too much of a rush – they felt that they must capitalize on the Far East market as quickly as possible, without implementing the
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